[ 6 ] Items
Kits -- Weaving-RigidHeddle
These kits require a rigid heddle loom with a 10 or 12-dent reed.

Rigid Heddle Weaving Kit; 100% Silk.
CLICK HERE for addtional color option
Treenway Silks donates a minimum of 10% of 65 Roses Kit sales in honor of Andrea's angels to help find a cure for cystic fibrosis

Rigid Heddle Weaving Kit; 100% Silk
featured on the cover of Little Looms magazine Spring 2023 issue.
Click Here to see color options!

Rigid Heddle Weaving Kit; 100% Silk
Featured in Little Looms 2018 issue. CLICK HERE for additional color options.

Rigid Heddle Weaving Kit; 100% Silk; Makes 2 scarves
featured in Little Looms magazine 2019 issue
We've gone back to the dye pots, so there could be a 2-week delay before your kit mails--thank you for your patience.

Rigid Heddle Weaving Kit; 100% Silk; Makes 2 scarves
Click to see more color choices
featured in Little Looms magazine 2017 issue
We've gone back to the dye pots so there could be a 2-week delay before your kit mails--thank you for your patience.

Rigid Heddle Weaving Kit; 100% Silk
Click to see *NEW* color choices
[ 6 ] Items