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» Store » Silk Fibers - Dyed » Funky Fibers » Hand-dyed Silk Hankies - Limited Edition Eat Your Greens

Hand-dyed Silk Hankies - Limited Edition Eat Your Greens

Price: $15.95

Hankies (also known as mawata) are made from a single cocoon, stretched into ten inch square.  A single hankie (as light and airy as a spider web) is made from a single cocoon and weighs between one-third and one-half gram.

In the center area, the silk filaments cross-cross in all directions, bouncing the light in many directions; filaments along the "selvages" are parallel, concentrating the light reflection, making the selvages shinier than the center.

Gently pull apart the delicate 100% bombyx silk layers and attenuate each to knit it unspun or spin it into fine singles.  collage a few hankies together for silk fusion or add them to felting projects.

100% Bombyx Silk (also called cultivated or mulberry silk), hand-dyed in Colorado.

10 Gram (0.35oz) package

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