Silk Yarns | Fibers | Threads & Ribbons

  • Call Toll-Free from USA or Canada:
    1.888.383.7455 (SILK)
  • Landline Phone: 303.233.7455 (SILK)
    Both phone lines ring directly to Treenway Silks.
  • Email:
  • Fax: 303.223.3411
  • Mail:
    Treenway Silks
    2060 Miller Court
    Lakewood, CO  80215-1325

    Visitors by appointment only, please

Contact Us - We're Here To Help

photo of Treenway Silks' owner Susan Dubois

We understand that Treenway offers a large and sometimes confusing assortment of silk products. If you have a question - please give us a call or send us an email with your question. Please include your phone number if you'd like us to call you.

Toll-Free 1-888-383-SILK (7455)
Phone 303.233.SILK (7455)
Fax 303.223.3411
Mail Treenway Silks
2060 Miller Court
Lakewood, CO, 80215, USA

Holidays and Closures

We close for most major U.S. holidays.
We post travel schedule and holiday closures on home page --see "Treenway Silks on the Road"

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