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Silk Tidings
June 27, 2012

We’ve been very busy with many new things happening since our last Silk Tidings. Here we’ll talk about just a few things, with more news following in a very few days. Be sure to check out our "Name that Yarn Contest & VOTE" described below.

Photo of Susan and Richard
Forever in Silk! --
Susan and Richard


Booth #625, 627

logo for Convergence 2012
Treenway Silks will have a booth at Convergence! We’re very excited and our many dyers have been ‘chained’ to their dye pots, preparing countless skeins for your weaving projects!

As you know, any of our 30-some yarns and ribbons can be dyed any of our 100+ colors, but we’ve picked the most popular three yarn sizes and our favorite yarn colors to have ready to go at Convergence.

Are you going? Hope to see you there!


“What's in a name?
That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.”

William Shakespeare (1564-1616) 

We agree that a name lends beauty, romance and character…and is a heck of a lot shorter than a description! So we want to name our 34 different silk yarns.

So, help us out…click here to download a ballot in MS Word and vote! You can “like”, “dislike” or be “neutral”. Best of all…there’s a write-in spot so you can suggest something even better! We need your creativity!

PRIZES: If we pick a name you suggest, we’ll send you a skein of that yarn!

AND, on Saturday, we’ll randomly select three of the voting ballots (no write-in required) and send each person one skein of our most popular “100% Bombyx Spun Silk 20/2” yarn.


Treenway Silks will be closed July 15-July 23 as we travel to Convergence. Please place your order by July 12th to have it mailed prior to our departure. We’ll begin mailing orders again on July 24th.

woven silk

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