Photo above: sneek peek at one of the slides from Treenway Silks' presentation on Wild Silks.
Will you be in Colorado on February 25th? If so, mark you calendar!
On Sunday, Feb. 25, opening day of "Weave Together with Handwoven" retreat, you are invited to two special presentations, held at Embassy Suites Loveland CO Conference Center. These talks are open to fiber-loving people; registration is not required.
At 3pm, Annie Scherer of Rocky Mountain Weavers Guild (RMWG) will speak and present samples from the Janice Ford Memorial Dye Garden Project, a collaboration between RMWG and Denver Botanic Gardens Chatfield Farms.
At 3:30 pm, Susan DuBois, owner of Treenway Silks, will give a presentation on Wild Silks from India.
The 30-minute presentation will be followed by a Silk Tasting in the Marketplace where you can explore an array of luxurious wild silk yarns from Treenway Silks.
You can pick up a gift from Susan DuBois to celebrate all things silk and Weave Together.
Bring your questions to this special demonstration table, only available in the Marketplace on Sunday, Feb. 25.