65 Roses is our color line that supports research for a cure for cystic fibrosis. Treenway Silks donates at least 10% of all sales to Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, in honor of Andrea's angels.
For all 65 Roses sales through June 20th, Treenway Silks is doubling our donation.
Each skein is hand-painted by yours truly.
Some are subtle--click on the image and then enlarge it to see the color variations.
Some are color-wheel explosions.
Some are intense.
Some are delicate.
At this moment, only the Kiku (20/2 laceweight) yarns are posted. But I have a few fatter skeins dyed (Zola, Margaret silk yarns), some Noil etc., that I'll add over the weekend, so keep checking back.
CLICK HERE to find all 65 Roses painted yarns.
Note...just because a skein is in your cart doesn't guarantee it's yours...you have to check out before it's yours. If you want to buy now, and then order another skein or two once the additional ones are posted, I'll combine your orders into one package.