Photo above: taken by Holly Freeman of Stitcy Prose
I'm so excited! On March 3, 2023, XStitch the Rainbow's collective of 25 designers will be releasing their new "Tea Time" inspired designs.
Each designer uses Treenway Silks "Tea Time" Thread Pack to stitch their design.
I've been following the "sneak peeks" the designers have posted along their creative process--I can't wait to see them all!. See photo gallery below.
1) Join the FaceBook Group "XStitch the Rainbow Stitch-a-long"
2) Follow Instagram #TeaTimeSAL
I'm exhibiting at the Nashville Spring Market on March 3-5. Many of your Local Stitching Shops are picking up "Tea Time" Thread Packs and charts from about 16 of the designers who are also exhibiting.
If you don't have a local shop, you can order the "Tea Time" Thread Pack from Treenway Silks CLICK HERE
Just as the designers can't release their designs until March 3, Treenway Silks must wait until March 3rd to mail the "Tea Time" Thread Pack.
Some of the designers sell PDF charts directly to stitchers.
Some of the designers sell printed charts to shops.
Some of the designer sell printed charts to shops and also sell directly to stitchers (may be printed or PDF)
WHO ARE THE 25 XStitch the Rainbow DESIGNERS:
This list changes a bit with each design challenge. For "Tea Time" the designers are:
1. Ardith Design
2. Bendy Stitchy Designs
3. Cobweb and Rose
4. Counting Puddles
5. Fox And Rabbit Designs
6. Hello from Liz Mathews
7. Hemlock & Rye Stitchery
8. Ingleside Imaginarium
9. Ink Circles
10. Jan Hicks Creates
11. Mani di Donna Designer
12. Needle Bling Designs & Hand Dyed Linens
13. Pansy Patch Quilts and Stitchery
14. Park Hopper Bart Cross Stitch
15. Pixel Pixie Cross Stitch
16. Romy's Creations
17. Screen Door Needleworks
18. StitchSprout
19. Stitchy Prose
20. Sweet Wing Studio
21. The Mindful Needle
22. Tiny Modernist
23. TopKnot Stitcher Shop
24. Wild Violet Cross Stitch
25. WorksByABC