photo above: our 14 newest colors of 65 Roses...13 are perpetual--we dye again and again. Only the deep red 'Veteran's Rose' is limited edition. See photo gallery below for individual photos of all 14 silks.
"65 Roses" is our color line that supports research for a cure for cystic fibrosis. During June, Treenway Silks doubles our usual 10% donation to Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, in honor of Andrea's angels.
Your purchase this month will generate a 20% donation to continue research for a cure.
Thank you for supporting 65 Roses. Since launching the 65 Roses color line in 2017 in our threads & ribbons, Treenway Silks has donated $29,500. This wouldn't be possible without your generosity.
Research is making a difference. Significant new medicines to treat CF have been developed. We will continue fundraising until CF stand for "Cure Found."
Here are links to all of our 65 Roses Threads & Ribbons:
Harmony, 6-strand silk floss, we've added three new perpetual colors and one limited edition color. Love green? See our new perpetual 'Green Tea' and 'Wimbledon,' named for two green roses. We've expanded our popular 'White Tea Rose' to Harmony. Looking for a vivid, warm red? Check out our latest limited edition 'Veteran's Honor'.
Tranquility, fine cord, a favorite with 18 count needlepoint, if you love using fancy stitches. New perpetual colors: 'Green Tea' and 'Wimbledon'.
Zen Shin, similar to #8-#10 perle. A very easy silk thread to work with.
Serenity, similar to #5 perle. Nothing beats the sheen of this lovely thread.
Shinju, similar to #5 perle but with a wonderful tight twist. A favorite for wool embroidery and needlepoint. We've added three new perpetual colors: 'Black Rose', 'Green Tea' and 'Wimbledon'.
3.5mm ribbons--we've added two new perpetual colors 'Green Tea' and 'Wimbledon'.
7mm ribbons--stitchers can never get enough green ribbon, so we've added 'Green Tea' and 'Wimbledon' perpetual colors.
13mm ribbons--we add new perpetual colors as we get requests. The latest is 'Fearless' named for the rose of the same name. The orange rose was named 'Fearless' because 'orange is the color of courage.' I love that phrase!