65 Roses--Double Donation, June 2023June 16, 2023

65 Roses Silk Threads and Silk Ribbons

"65 Roses" is our color line that supports research for a cure for cystic fibrosis.  During June, Treenway Silks doubles our usual 10% donation to Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, in honor of Andrea's angels.

Your purchase this month will generate a 20% donation to continue research for a cure.

Thank you for supporting 65 Roses.  Since launching the 65 Roses color line in 2017 in our threads & ribbons, Treenway Silks has donated $18,700.  This wouldn't be possible without your generosity.

Research is making a difference.  Significant new medicines to treat CF have been developed.  We will continue fundraising until CF stand for "Cure Found."

Here are links to all of our 65 Roses Threads & Ribbons:

Harmony, 6-strand silk floss, we've added a new limited edition green "Fern II"--be sure to check it out!
Tranquility, fine cord, a favorite with 18 count needlepoint, if you love using fancy stitches.
Zen Shin, similar to #8 perle.  A very easy silk thread to work with.
Serenity, similar to #5 perle.  Nothing beats the sheen of this lovely thread.
Shinju,  similar to #5 perle but with a wonderful tight twist. A favorite for wool embroidery and needlepoint--our newest silk thread.

3.5mm ribbons--we've added 3 new limited edition colors:  Intrigue, Pine Forest and Quick Silver--these will sell out quickly!
7mm ribbons--these limited editions are always popular, as are our 15 perpetual colorways.
13mm ribbons--be sure to see the 2 new perpetual colors we added this year--"Earth Angel" and "White Tea Rose".