Mom (Margaret Lee Du Bois) passed away quietly, gently and peacefully in her home on June 9, 2021 after a short illness (unrelated to COVID).
Mom's ashes were laid to rest next to Dad's in Keokuk National Cemetery, Keokuk, Iowa, on July 13, 2021.
I was so lucky to have Mom just 1/2 mile from us for 4 years.
Thank you so much for your messages of condolences--they have helped so much.
Mom's obituary link
Mom's eulogy by Susan Du Bois:
Mom walked this earth for 92 years. Today I will speak about the gift of having Mom in Colorado for her last 4 years.
I loved having Mom just ½ mile from us. I was so lucky to spend every evening with her. It’s the most time we had together since I lived at home in Keokuk, 45 years ago.
Our relationship grew beyond mother-daughter to being best friends. We were always honest with each other and could share everything…
- from the minutia of daily life
- the funny antics of our furbabies
- to the serious stuff…Mom telling me “I fell”
- or me telling Mom “We won’t do the biopsy unless it’s necessary to qualify for hospice.”
Mom has been an amazing example of courage, strength, and selflessness:
- Mom, a life-long Iowan, had the courage at age 88 to move to Colorado, just 5 months after Dad passed away.
- She said “in a perfect world, I’d like to stay in Keokuk for another year. But it’s better to move while I’m still young enough to make friends and participate in activities.” And she was right.
- But Mom’s real motive was selflessness—she moved to make it easier for me to watch over her.
And she always thanked me for taking care of her.
- I know Mom missed Dad terribly, each of the 53 months that Dad entered heaven ahead of her. But Mom managed her grief and accepted the “new normal” of being single, after 68 years of being a couple.
- Mom had never lived alone before.
- Or lived outside of Iowa.
- Or lived in an apartment.
- But Mom had the courage and strength to make new friends (including lots of doggie friends) and to have an active life, even though she silently ached.
- Mom had so much determination—
- Mom taught her brain to understand digital sound, after getting her cochlear implant at age 89. It was a six month process, but Mom was up for the challenge.
- After each health setback, Mom worked so hard to regain her strength. Her physical therapists loved her because she’d do ALL the daily exercise they recommended.
- Mom was determined that COVID confinement wouldn’t get in the way of her being active—Mom walked up and down her hallway and did all her exercises that she learned in Physical Therapy.
- It took determination to walk the distance to ‘Be Fit with Scott’ classes and to the community dining room… it was especially difficult during her last 4 months.
- But she wanted to do it—to get there under her own power and to maintain her independence.
- I couldn’t take that away from her.
- But I would run over AFTER exercise class, grab her wheel chair and give her a ride home.
- Courage is shown in many ways…Mom lived with pain, especially the last 22 months, yet she never complained.
Every example of courage, strength, and selflessness was a gift.
I’m so proud of you. We’re so proud to be your daughters and your legacy.
Mom’s final gift was allowing us to be present when her spirit quietly, gently and peacefully slipped away.
- To have serenity as our final memory is priceless.
I love you.
And Pamela loves you.
And Dad loves you
And Missy loves you
And Kiku loves you
And Autumn loves you
And Smokey loves you.
I will miss you always.