Muga silk is gorgeous and is such a fabulous golden color! Believe me when I say the photos don't begin to do it justice!
Muga silk is naturally a rich gold color and was traditionally reserved for royalty. Of all of our Wild Silk Mawata Cake products, this is the most golden. Truly beautiful!
This silkworm is ONLY found in the microclimate of the Assam region in India and is relatively rare.
The Antherea assama (muga) silkworm is a ‘cousin’ to the Antherea mylitta (tasar or tussah) silkworm. Both silkworms eat leaves that contain tannin--the same substance in tea that stains the cup--so both silks are naturally a golden color.
The caterpillar producing muga silk eats leaves from Som (machilus bobycine) or Soalu (litsaea polyantha). The tussah silkworm eats the leaves from one of these trees--Arjun (terminalia argun), Asan (terminalia tomentosa), or Oak.
The muga cake takes a bit more effort to separate the layers and tease out, compared to a bombyx hankie, but we think the beauty of the golden muga more than offsets the extra patience required.
To see Muga Silk Cakes, click here
Treenway Silks has used the same silk supplier in India for over 20 years and he consistently delivers top quality.