65 Roses is our color line that supports research for a cure for cystic fibrosis. Treenway Silks donations at least 10% of all sales to Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, in honor of Andrea's angels.
One loyal customer pointed out that while we have 65 Roses Threads & Ribbons and 65 Roses Yarns, she was disappointed that we don't have any 65 Roses sliver/combed top. Good point and good plan for next year!
For this year, we are conferring honorary "65 Roses status" to all of our Salt Spring Island (SSI) colorways for June. All orders placed between June 1-June 20, 2022, we are doubling our donation to Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, in honor of Andrea's angels, to support research for a cure.
We use our A1 Grade Tussah, with 5-6 inch fiber length, to dye our Salt Spring Island colorways. Hubby Richard dyes all of these [see photo below].
You might be wondering...why are you in Colorado but have a color line called "Salt Spring Island?" Good question! The color line was begun by the founders, Terry and Karen, when Treenway Silks was located on Salt Spring Island. We purchased Treenway Silks in August 2011 and relocated the business to Colorado, where we live. We continue to call the multi-colored dye "Salt Spring Island" out of respect for the founders.
Please note... the "buy 3, get 4th at half price" is still in effect during the "honorary 65 Roses" donation. But as always, this is MANUALLY applied by yours truly (you won't see it in your shopping cart) before you silk is mailed and your "pending" credit card charge is made final.
CLICK HERE to see all our SSI colorways